Saturday, April 2, 2011

Teriyaki Boys - "Tokyo Drift" (Video)

First off, I want to apologize for posting something yet again about the Nissan Z. This time though, my focus is on the 350Z, not the 370Z.

You see, tonight I popped in Fast & Furious: Tokyo Drift and it's interested what owning a car does to a man. I've seen the movie a few times before; however, now that I actually am a "Z" owner, I feel closer to it than ever. I mean, shit guys, I'm watching the movie and I want to sit in my car and watch it.

Is that lame or what?

Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but the pride I feel being in such a beautifully designed vehicle overwhelms me at times - much like a kid in a candy store. Sure the vehicle is affordable, I mean, we aren't talking about a BMW or some exotic - this is a Nissan for crying out loud.  That said, it's such an amazing car to drive and own I can't help the feeling it gives me and what it does to me.  I've heard from many "Z" owners and they all feel the same and have expressed identical stories. Heck my supervisor had a 370Z and had to give it up due to having a baby (the Z is a true two seater) and even though he got a kick ass 2011 Infinit G37 which he's since fixed up, he talks about how much he misses his white Nissan Z. Most people would love to own a G37 as beautiful as his is; however, the "Z" just has this power that once a driver becomes one with their vehicle - it's like that Avatar movie when they find their "one" flying dragon type animal.

It's almost like that.

Any who, most of you will not understand, but after watching Tokyo Drift, I was reminded of a song from the movie and thought I'd post it here. Enjoy!

(Image found at ricardosantm)


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